

Share your expense information to social network

Receipt Recognition

Use machine learning technology to analyse the receipt and product and help you to fill in the expense information as much as possible, so as reduce use input.


More report criteria, formats and export feature.

Upload Expense via Various Channels

Upload Expense via Various Channels

  • Chrome web browser extension that let you to upload the receipt that is displaying on a web page (e.g. email, a web page, etc.)
  • Share to My Expense Keeper from other apps (e.g. in your digital wallet app, you can click on an order and share to MyEK, and we will extract the information automatically)

Long Term

In the long run, I also want to build a platform so that users can share their expense management journey with other users. For example, you can share your expense to other users of the app (of course you take full control on what you want to share), and let the other users provide their feedback on your expense (maybe they bought the same thing at other places with a much lower price).